The Chicago Art Institute and a Woman for Los Angeles

My trip to the Art Institute of Chicago was really more of a pilgrimage than and off-the-cuff visit.  Ever since I started spending time in Iowa, my daughter is attending the University of Iowa, I have been trying to learn about the “masters of the midwest.”  Two of my favorites are Grant Wood and Louis Sullivan;  and I have been traveling through the midwest seeking out pieces of their work.  Thus I came to the Art Institute, specifically to see Grant Woods most well know piece, American Gothic.  I guess it is not really surprising, but there was so much more to see, especially for someone who enjoys the arts, decorative accessories and building details.

Yes, of course, there is wonderful art here at the Institute.  My personal favorites being Toulouse-Lautrec’s paintings from his Moulin-Rouge Era.

But there are other amazing pieces too by Seurat…

and the ever haunting Nighthaws by Hopper.

There was also a nice collection of decorative accessories from the Art Nouveau period.


































Bits of details from the finest buildings in Chicago, including Sullivan and Wright.





There is even a magnificent remnant of the Stock Exchange building on the lake side of the Institute.

All and all an amazing visit to Chicago and a chance to see what made these masters great first-hand.

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About daedre1

Studio Daedre is the result of an inspired woman following her artistic vision. Daedre, the designer behind Studio Daedre, has always been happiest creating something (drawing, painting, knitting, cooking ... ). In middle school she discovered the medium of linoleum block prints. Soon there after she started designing her own hand carved linoleum print Christmas cards. Little did she know those cards would eventually evolve into her family owned enterprise of clean and sophisticated gift and stationery products. Daedre began hand printing her own line of linoleum block print cards and stationery products. These linoleum prints have evolved into today's clean and sophisticated designs which offer a wider color palette and allow greater attention to detail, than her original designs. Each of her current designs are hand embellished pieces of art. What started as a young girl's creative spirit and personal gifts to her friends has developed into a successful family run and operated business. Studio Daedre is committed to producing superior quality products with a unique handmade touch while reducing our environmental footprint. She has been honored multiple times for her creative excellence in the greeting card industry as a Louie Award Finalist. Daedre currently lives in California with her husband and daughter and is planning to take her products to the next level.
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